About Bill Heyman

Standing on the corner of the intersection of technology and the arts.

Technology, Math, and Science

As a software consultant, my career has been a multi-decade education on what’s current and what’s upcoming for software development technologies.

Over my career, I’ve engaged with clients large and small to build mobile apps, web sites, and data acquisition and control software systems.

Check out my technology-focused site byteCoder.

Philosophy, Literature, and Language

Software development is not only a science. There’s an art about it.

Exploring the human side of technology (good and bad) is a passion of mine. My Dehuman/Rehuman Project dives into these sticky issues.

Our present and future are informed by our history. Our ancestors and their communities have built our present day. We must continue to study, understand, and always consider the lessons of the past as we build our future.

Knowledge and experience are shared through language. Understanding historical and present linguistics and an important way to understand the human experience.


I’m a late stage cancer survivor (melanoma).

I’ve experienced advanced cancer as both a patient and as a caregiver of my late wife. My experiences have given me a grounded view on life.

I’m always open to helping others facing similar situations learn that they’re not alone.

Facing cancer is never easy. Living outside of cancer can be possible.

Interests (besides technology)